مجلة اقتصاديات شمال افريقيا
Volume 14, Numéro 1, Pages 133-146
الكاتب : علي عبد الفتاح الزيادات .
This study discusses how successful leasing strategy applied in the Jordanian Islamic banks from the standpoint of employees and the concept of leasing. The goals of this study: First, show the nature of leasing as a way of funding which is acceptable to Islamic laws. Second, show its efficiency in financing productive projects. Third, increase the growth of investments volume in various economic activities in Jordan. Researchers have used the descriptive and analytical approach; data are collected through a questionnaire on a representative sample of workers in some Islamic banks, where the study population consisted of all employees in Jordan Islamic Bank and Islamic International Arab Bank. It is concluded that the deal of leasing is a form of Islamic modes for financing which is considered as a successful method and more effective in Jordan funding forms. Also, results indicate the presence of significant differences in answers attributes, due to demographic variables. This study recommendation: First, the necessity to increase the credit facilities which are necessary to expand the application of financial leasing by all banks in Jordan. Second, the necessity to increase awareness-raising for leasing for banks customers such as credit benefits. Third, the importance of continuous development for financial leasing in Jordanian Islamic banks strategies, in order to keep pace with technological changes in the general banking sector. Fourth, the need for increased attention to the legislative aspects derived from Islamic jurisprudence in financial strengthening the role of the Islamic modes of financing as one of the most important factors that contribute to increased economic growth in Jordan
leasing strategy
محمد حسن بشير حسن
قسم السيد محمد عثمان محمد
ص 88-106.