Sciences & technologie. A, sciences exactes
Volume 0, Numéro 26, Pages 49-54

Effects Of Thermomechanical Treatments On The Thermal Expansion Coefficient Of Some Aluminium Alloys

Authors : Benabdoun M . Bellel N .


The aim of this study was the determination of the thermal expansion coefficient α (T) in relation to the temperature of the three following aluminium alloys: - Al-6%Zn-3%Mg obtained by conventional ingot casting - Al-0.5%Mg-0.88%Si obtained by Direct Cast Casting - Al-1.88%Mn-0.8%Mg obtained by Twin Roller Melt Spinning These alloys have undergone various thermal and mechanical conditions. The main results show that the Al-6%Zn-3%Mg alloy exhibits a very weak anisotropy meanwhile that Al-Mg-Si and Al-Mn-Mg alloys exhibit, on the contrary, a quite strong anisotropy on the curves of α (T).


Aluminium alloys, thermal expansion coefficient, anisotropy, conventional ingot casting, Direct Cast Casting, Twin Roller Melt Spinning.