مجلة عصور الجديدة
Volume 8, Numéro 1, Pages 142-154

أحمد توفيق المدني الوسيط النضالي التونسي الجزائري من خلال كتابه حياة كفاح

الكاتب : صيود هادية .


Ahmed Tawfiq al-Madani: The mediator of struggle between Tunisia and Algeria Through his book '' Hayet Kifah’’ Ahmed Tawfiq Al-Madani , was an Algerian origin , also Tunisian ( Growns up like abd Aziz Thaalbi) is considered to be one of the finest men of the 1920’s. He was forced by the colonial France to leave Tunisia to his mother country . He entred Algeria with scientific knowledge and a gret political formation that enabled him to continue his struggle for independance and freedom from colonial appression . The various events of prisons and struggles was a union mediator between Tunisia and Algeria. So all that experience he faced he wroted down in his book throught it .He Talk about he’s personal carriers named . ''Life struggle'' Which is divided into four stages: - The first phase in Tunisia from birth to the period of exile 1925 - The second phase in Algeria from 1925 to 1954 - The third stage of the revolution from 1954 to 1962 - The fourth and final stage, the period after the armed revolution on the date of writing the book from 1962 to 1973. In this article, the focus will be on the quality of the struggle activities led by Ahmed Tawfiq al-Madani as mediator mediator between Tunisia and Algeria Who is Ahmed Tawfiq al-Madani? How was his mediation between Tunisia and Algeria? What are his most important positions and his reformist ideas?

الكلمات المفتاحية

Struggle - Ahmed Tawfiq al-Madani - mediator - algeria -Tunsia -Hayet Kifah