Volume 3, Numéro 2, Pages 5-7

The Management Of Soil And Water For Date Palm In Hyper-arid Region (south Algeria)

Authors : Chennafi Houria .


El-Hadjira region belongs to Saharan bioclimatic floor. The thermal amplitudes are high and extremely brutal; rainfall is deficient and badly distributed. Violence and frequency of wind determine the character of the desert region. The depth and organic matter soils are low. Against, it is distinguished by appreciated hydraulic conductivity and salinity. In peak month, the flux of deficit density was 7.8 The irrigation water was ranged in the C4-S2 categories. The project feasibility is reasoned by an efficient use of soil and water resources to reducing the constrained effects of the date palm and intercrops productivity.


hyper-arid; salinity; water requirements ; leaching salt ; agricultural management

The Date Palm Mite (boufaroua) Control Constraints And Their Impact On The Development Of The Date Palm Sector In Biskra, Algeria

Nia Billal .  Mehenni Mokhtar .  Rekis Abdelkrim .  Roumani Messaoud .  Ben Salah Mohamed Kamel .  Ben Sayeh Faiza .  Benouamane Ourida . 
pages 7-11.

Approach To Integrated Water Management In A Hyper Arid Zone; Case Of The Oasis Of Beni Abbes (south West Of Algeria).

Merzougui Touhami .  Makhloufi Ahmed .  Bouanani Abderezak Abderezak .  Mekkaoui Touhami .  Hamzoui Fadoua Azzaza .  Merzzougui Fatima Zohra . 
pages 12-20.

Problematic Soil Mechanics In The Algerian Arid And Semi-arid Regions: Case Of M’sila Expansive Clays

Khemissa Mohamed .  Mahamedi Abdelkrim .  Mekki Lakhdar . 
pages 37-41.