دراسات نفسية وتربوية
Volume 6, Numéro 1, Pages 103-127

مدى وعي طلبة الجامعات الأردنية الرسمية للمهارات الحياتية في ضوء الاقتصاد المعرفي

الكاتب : العمري جمال فواز .


The study aimed to identify the extent of awareness of the official Jordanian university students life skills they need in the light of the principles of the knowledge economy, where the sample consisted of (797) students from the university students in the academic year 2010/2011, was obtained through the use of data from the questionnaire formed a private from (40) items distributed on six areas represent some of the skills of life in the light of the principles of the knowledge economy, skills (communication skills of interpersonal, negotiation skills / rejection, empathy (understanding of others and sympathy with him) cooperation and team work, decision-making skills and solve problems, critical thinking skills interpersonal skills and self-management, emotion management skills, management skills to deal with the pressure to increase the skills of the center of the internal control, was the use of averages, percentages, and t-test to answer the questions of the study results showed the following: 1 - Teamwork skills came in first place and came out of the skills under study. 2 - The results revealed statistically significant differences in the responses of students depending on the variable-level academic results revealed more than fourth year students in the degree of their awareness of life-skills knowledge economy on the students who are studying courses that include skills, knowledge economy and, finally, the study recommends the integration of life skills knowledge economy universities courses university

الكلمات المفتاحية

consciousness, life-skills knowledge economy, students, the official Jordanian universities.