مجلة الحقوق والعلوم الانسانية
Volume 7, Numéro 3, Pages 55-69

الصراع الأيديولوجي في الرواية الجزائرية المعاصرة رواية زمن النمرود للروائي الحبيب السايح أنموذجا

الكاتب : الطاهر مسيلي .


تعد رواية "زمن النمرود" * منعطفا حقيقيا في مجال الكتابة الروائية في الثمانينيات سواء من حيث تمردها على اللغة العربية وطغيان العامية فيها وذلك قصد مخاطبة العامة من الناس، أو من حيث جرأتها الصريحة في تناول وضع البلاد الاجتماعي ، والاقتصادي والسياسي ، وهذا لكون مؤلفها من الروائيين الذين تأثروا بالوضع العام للبلاد في تلك الفترة وعايشوه بسلبياته وإيجابياته، فكانت روايته هذه صورة لذلك الواقع المليء بالتناقضات ، وهذا ما يفسر هيمنة الجانب الأيديولوجي عليها Summary Holding talks over Ideology in general, and particularly in modern Novels is an act of a great importancefor many reasons, among whichwe mention the connection of the term IDEOLOGY with many intellectual concepts at different levels, including novel texts, where discussingof Ideology became a matter of conflictbetween critics and searchers. The aspect of Ideology in the Algerian modern novel provokes several questions that lead us to no satisfaction with superficial reading of the novel, and make us contemplate the contradictoryideological conflictsin it. Thereby, my essay entitled (The Ideological conflict through the Algerian modern novel) in which i Summary Holding talks over Ideology in general, and particularly in modern Novels is an act of a great importancefor many reasons, among whichwe mention the connection of the term IDEOLOGY with many intellectual concepts at different levels, including novel texts, where discussingof Ideology became a matter of conflictbetween critics and searchers. The aspect of Ideology in the Algerian modern novel provokes several questions that lead us to no satisfaction with superficial reading of the novel, and make us contemplate the contradictoryideological conflictsin it. Thereby, my essay entitled (The Ideological conflict through the Algerian modern novel) in which i studiedLahbib Essaiah_Zamanennamroud_ as example, is an essay to revealthe diversity of Ideologies, a character that makes this author actually the pioneer of this novelty in the Algerian modern novel, because of his attending to real political, social, economic and cultural matters , so much so that his novels become well known all over the world. The subject matter of my essay is to see whether this novelist actually succeeded in depicting the Algerian reality then, by revealing the harsh conflict between the different political currents for the sake of governing, and to which extent the political, social, economic and cultural aspects of our countrywere affected by this revelation, and what are the intellectual means upon which the novelist relied to express the ferity of that conflict. In attempting to answer these questions, i resorted to the application of sociological concepts in novels, especially through manyvisions of the most known European critics. My essay does not aim to reveal the ideological aspects and levels only in the Algerian novel, but in the Arab world’s one as well, because the novelistic writings and their backgroundare almost the same.

الكلمات المفتاحية

الأيديولوجية ، الرواية الجزائرية المعاصرة ، زمن النمرود .