مجلة أداء المؤسسات الجزائرية
Volume 1, Numéro 1, Pages 61-76
الكاتب : يحياوي إلهام . عبد الصمد نجوى .
The aim of this research is to study the environmental challenges and their effect on marketing performance in enterprises, relying on a case study curried out in the Algerian cement company of Batna (scimat). The study came up with many results, the most important of them, is the existence of several environmental challenges that have great effects on marketing performance which are considered as pressures on enterprises and must be reduced.
Marketing performance, environmental challenges, industrial enterprises, Algerian cement company
سمير عمـاري
جمال الدين يخلف
ص 386-403.
الهام يحياوي
نسرين اسماعيل
ص 18-37.
ليلى بوحديد
كمال عايشي
ص 203-221.
سميرة عبد الصمد
ص 308-322.
العكازي فاطمة الزهراء
ص 657-670.