Al Athar مجلة الأثـــــــــــــــر
Volume 13, Numéro 21, Pages 113-124

الخطاب الغلافي ومضمرات التصوف "في أنطق عن الهوى" لعبد االله حمادي

الكاتب : خشه عبد الغاني .


in the pas, the cover has been done to save the text against damage, and naw it has taken another turn through compalibility with the text and how to express it, that is what we see on the cover page with Abdellah Hammadi where it has been associated with the soufisme. If we take a look at the cover page we find a trip of a soufist twisting in different situations like on the cover through which we communicate visually to interpretate in reallity the inner working. The cover of the poetic collection in its first edition of 2011, published by dar almaeya . constantine , through it , we wanted to interrogate his threshold cover with its absent and present icons, to pave the way to reach the hidden meaning , then go directly to the text.

الكلمات المفتاحية

cover, Abdellah Hammadi, title, color, Sufism