Al Athar مجلة الأثـــــــــــــــر
Volume 14, Numéro 22, Pages 49-58

أثر القرار السياسي في نشأة الدرس اللغوي وتطوره

الكاتب : فاهم سعيد .


has been interested in language because it is considered as one of the most important pillars of its identity, but also as one of the most fundamental components of his personality, and among these languages; the Arabic language.The one who consults books studying the «heritage," notice the role played by scholars in safeguarding the Arabic language and developing it course. However, most of the versions found within these manuals stipulate that the religious fact is the main reason for the birth of the latter. Furthermore, we rarely found references on the contribution of rulers or more precisely on the impact of the political actor in the development of the language courses. What brings us to answer to this problem that keeps coming to our mind is the following: Is the religious motive the unique cause for the development of language courses in Arabic? Or, there are other reasons?This is what we wanted to investigate through this research. Regarding the role played by politics in language courses, we give two examples of Sufi types that are: Ibn Abdelmalek and Mérouane El Maamoune.

الكلمات المفتاحية

The political decision,El Maamoune. Ibn Abdelmalek and Mérouane.the linguistic courses birth. Translation and arabisation.