Al Athar مجلة الأثـــــــــــــــر
Volume 15, Numéro 25, Pages 211-224
الكاتب : بن عطاءالله مليكة . بوجمليـن لبـــوخ .
This article focuses on the description and criticism of a dictionary of Arabic rhetoric that is considered a pioneer in his field, it is the "Dictionary of rhetorical terms and their progressions" of Dr. AHMED METLOUB pioneer research rhetoric in Iraq and in the Arab world; and for his precise methodology, its inventory and its quite extensive verification of Arab rhetorical terms. The dictionary is an attempt to create a historical dictionary on Arab rhetorical terms despite the difficulty of the task given the large number of terms and their diversity, given that there may be more than a name to the same type of terminology.
صليحة بردي
ص 9-10.
خليف عبد القادر
ص 338-358.
لعبيدي بوعبد الله
ص 339-363.