Traduction et Langues
Volume 6, Numéro 1, Pages 77-84

المصطلح النقدي بين الدقة والاضطراب Critical Term Between Accuracy And Disorder

الكاتب : Berrouma Mohamed .


We have to point out, firstly that “the term” or “convention” is an issue to which the ancient Arabs paid great attention, and they were concerned with “putting terminology, and the appropriateness between their linguistic and idiomatic connotations,” and they were concerned with its translation and transmission. The loan by borrowing is very old, since the revelation of the Noble Qur’an, and we have a lesson in it, “The ancients did not deny the existence of the Arabized term in the language, and they acknowledged its foreignness from the beginning.” They had means in excavating and formulating the term, most notably, setting, analogy, derivation, translation, metaphor, generation, and Arabization. This paper sheds light on the critical term between exactitude and deviation, arriving to the conclusion of the necessity of unifying the Arabic term (minimizing the difference and the gap at least), in the service of the Arabic language and its sciences, by taking care of translation and its rules, and strictness in applying a single linguistic doctrine, establishing a unified Arab knowledge bulk for concepts, definitions and terminology, and reviving the activity of Arab societies. existing, and opening specialized branches in the Arab countries. To end up, some recommendations were suggested to treat the issue of terminology, namely the correlation between the concept and its meaning, the necessity of the phonemic and morphological structure of the language to which the term is transmitted as well as the access of the term meaning without prejudice.

الكلمات المفتاحية

Terminology, borrowing, analogy, translation, accuracy, deviation