مجلة الحكمة للدراسات الاجتماعية
Volume 5, Numéro 9, Pages 132-147

المنهج العلمي في العلاقة البينية بين علم النفس الاجتماعي والإحصاء -النموذج الإحصائي متساوي الاحتمال في دراسة التمثلات الاجتماعية - أنموذجا -

الكاتب : نصيرة براهمة . ابراهيم بوالفلفل .


Abstract: The questioning of the reality of actual practice in the study of social phenomena uncovers the real interpretations underlying these same phenomena. That reveals the attitude announcing the presence of boundaries between disciplines. This is because the interpretation of social, economical and political phenomena is based on the integration and the overlap between the reasons and factors leading to social existence, in which the human considered as an integrated social actor who cannot separate apart his body from his mind ,soul and social relationships .It follows that we cannot separate sciences operating on physical aspect and others dealing with psychological and social phenomena except in respect to the limits of methodological rule stating that whenever the category of analysis expands its taxonomical value decreases. This scientific paper considers the intersection of knowledge between sociology and psychology which led to the establishment of social psychology and statistics as a discipline related to a social science which, in turn, has led to the creation of field of specialized knowledge, known as social statistics. The latter present several patterns an techniques such as (in the example of) statistical model equal probability applied in investigating social representations. Therefore, this paper endeavours answering the following questions: What is the nature of interdisciplinary relationship between social sciences and statistics? What is the nature of the scientific method used in interdisciplinary relationship between social psychology and statistics? What is the nature of the statistical model equal probability in investigating social representations?

الكلمات المفتاحية

علم النفس الاجتماعي، الإحصاء، النموذج الإحصائي متساوي الاحتمال، التمثلات الاجتماعية، العلاقة البينية.