مجلة اقتصاديات شمال افريقيا
Volume 13, Numéro 16, Pages 255-268

واقع الموارد المائية في الجزائر واقتصادياتها

الكاتب : خيرة‏ مغربي . عاشور كتوش .


Water considered as a natural material in which any people can ‎be rich or poor, devolopped or not can not get rid from it and it is ‎considered as an essencial thing depend to the quality and quantity of ‎it that interest world’s conntries at this time. This due the lack of water ‎that stand as a border to the industrial and agriculture fields in Algeria ‎which is one of the most countries that deffers in out of source water ‎and depends ttttto ,its geografical localasation but the problem of ‎water is considered as big problem that stand face to face to the ‎developpement of all fields in which the demographic is behind of the ‎pressure of the lack of water that make this issue more complicated ‎than before which makethe ministry makes more efforts to solve the ‎problem not but to grasp the late but make end to this problem due to ‎nthe reason of the more use of water and to give the opportunty to use ‎this material in the future with economic way

الكلمات المفتاحية
