مجلة اقتصاديات شمال افريقيا
Volume 13, Numéro 17, Pages 95-110

دور السياسات البيئية في ردع وتحفيز المؤسسات الاقتصادية على حماية البيئة

الكاتب : صاليحة بوذريع .


This article examines environmental policies, by focusing on their economic and regulatory ‎tools as a deter and motivate the economic institutions, while there's no at depend only on ‎profit, there's no institutions that rely on building their own reputation based on the financial ‎positions only, but it is restricted of non-financial values stemming of the care to protect the ‎environment and consumption awareness and the national wealth preservation. The ‎environmental policies represent one of the rtant management issues for the organizations that ‎want to have a bright future, and the political institutions are required to make efforts not only ‎to diagnose the environmental dimension only, but also to assess the environmental efforts, amd ‎thinking of the means and effective mechanisms to protect the environment in the future and ‎rectify the mistakes of the past.‎

الكلمات المفتاحية

The‏ ‏environment, environmental policy, economic instruments, regulatory instruments, ‎protection of the environment.‎