Algerian Journal of Natural Products
Volume 3, Numéro 2, Pages 159-163

Anthelmintic Activity Of Holoptelia Integrifolia Roxb. Leaves

Authors : Prajapati Dharmeshkumar . Patel Sohan A. .


Helminths are parasitic worms. They are the most common infectious agents of humans in developing countries and produce a global burden of disease that exceeds better-known conditions, including malaria and tuberculosis. The World Health Organization estimates that a staggering two billion people harbor parasitic worm infections. Parasitic worms also infect livestock and crops, affecting food production with a resultant economic impact. Despite this prevalence of parasitic infections, the research on the Anthelmintic drug is sparse. According to the WHO, only a few drugs are used in treatment of helminthes in humans. Anthelmintic from natural sources could play a key role in the treatment of these parasite infections. Holoptelia integrifolia bark and leaves are bitter, astringent, acrid, thermogenic, anti-inflammatory, digestive, carminative, laxative, Anthelmintic, depurative and urinary astringent. They are useful in vital conditions of kapha and pitta, inflammations, dyspepsia, flatulence, colic, helminthiasis, vomiting, skin diseases, leprosy, diabetes, hemorrhoids and rheumatism. Alcohol, Water, succesive Chloroform and Methanol extract of Holoptelia integrifolia leaves shown dose dependant Anthelmintic activity against earth worm (P. posthuma).


Holoptelia integrifolia, Anthelmintic activity, parasitic worms

The Effect Of Extraction Method On Antioxidant Activity Of Atractylis Babelii Hochr. Leaves And Flowers Extracts

Boudebaz Khadidja .  Nia Samira .  Trabelsi Ayadi Malika .  Cherif Jamila Kalthoum . 
pages 146-152.

In Vitro Anti-arthritic Activity Of Tecoma Stans (linn.) Leaves

Prajapati, Dharmeshkumar .  Patel N. M. . 
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Zellagui Amar .  Boutellaa Saber .  Arab Yasmine .  Gherraf Noureddine . 
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Bioactive Compounds And Antioxidant Activity Of Parsley Leaves Powder

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Laouini S. E. .  Segni L. .  Gherraf N. .  Ouahrani M. R. .  Mokni S. . 
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