مجلة عصور الجديدة
Volume 4, Numéro 12, Pages 391-412

الجزائر : أزمة صيف 1962م و إرهاصات إعادة بناء الدولة الحديثة

الكاتب : هلايلي حنيفي .


Algeria: the summer crisis of 1962 and the Impressions of rebuilding the modern state It may be difficult to shorten the history of the Liberation Revolution (1954-1962), Where there are many writings in all languages. However, we are forced to review the crisis of 1962, which Algeria has known, so that we can frame the history of the revolution, by stopping at prominent stations of this crisis.

الكلمات المفتاحية

Algeria;the summer crisis; the modern state;the history; the Liberation Revolution