مجلة عصور الجديدة
Volume 4, Numéro 12, Pages 196-211

دور العثمانيين الأتراك في انبعاث ووحدة الدولة الجزائرية الحديثة

الكاتب : بخدّة الطاهر .


The role of Ottoman Turks in the rebirth and unity of the modern Algerian state This article studies the political and social importance of ottomans existence in Algeria. Thanks to the ottomans, the coastal towns had been liberated like Algiers, Jijel, Bejaia and cherchel from the Spanish colonialism, also the Zianides dynasty in Tlemcen which supported the Spanish in Oran, had been defeated. However the principal role of the ottomans was the destruction of the local government of some tribes and independent emirates in the Sahara and in the north. They made then under their control as a result, Algeria had been a united country ruled by a central government situated in Algiers. Finally, all the conflicts with morocco and Tunisia finished by sinning treaties and identifying the borders with Algeria ottomans obliged the Spanish to leave Oran completely in this moment, the country of Algeria was established in the recent history.

الكلمات المفتاحية

The role;Ottoman;Turks ;the modern Algerian state; the political;independent