أبعاد إقتصادية
Volume 6, Numéro 2, Pages 626-644

Analyzing The Tourism Growth Indicators In Algeria During The Period (2005 - 2014)

Authors : Boudia Fatma .


We studied through this research the development of tourism growth indicators in Algeria during the last decade, So as to know the extent of prosperity or recession the tourism sector in Algeria, and among these indicators, the number of tourist arrivals, the number of tourist nights, the tourist density, the average of residence...etc, afterwards we have studied the performance of this sector at the level of the national economy, by measuring its contribution in the gross domestic product (GDP) and balance of payments and employment, and we have found that despite the fact that Algeria has a natural, historical and cultural components which make it an important tourism destination, but the level of the tourism sector is still weak despite its revival in the recent years.


Number of tourist arrivals, tourist nationalities, number of hotels, number of beds, tourist density, tourism balance.