مجلة الاقتصاد والتنمية المستدامة
Volume 7, Numéro 2, Pages 241-258

Smart Contract Applications Via Block Chain Technology To Support And Enhance Digital Financial Inclusion

Authors : Guettaf Mohamed Zoheir . Derbali Siham .


We aim through the research paper to present the contributions of block chain technology in achieving digital financial inclusion. This technology is considered one of the most important innovations of the digital revolution in the past two decades, and it is expected to have a similar impact to that of the internet when it first emerged. Its uses have quickly multiplied in various sectors, as it enables transparent transactions in a faster and more cost-effective manner, with easier and more secure means that help in digital transformation and the transition to smart systems. Based on this, this study comes to understand the role of block chain technology in promoting financial inclusion and implementing it in reality. Smart contracts reshape traditional industrial and commercial processes, as well as public electronic services, as they are an integral part of block chain networks. Smart contracts automatically execute contractual terms without the need for a trusted third party's intervention. As a result, smart contracts can reduce the burden of management operations, save service costs, improve the efficiency of business processes, and reduce risks in various important sectors of individuals lives.


blockchain, financial inclusion, digital dransformation, smart contracts