مجلة البحوث العلمية في التشريعات البيئية
Volume 14, Numéro 1, Pages 495-515

Activating International Responsibility Resulting From The Impact Of Nuclear Radiation On Climate And Water And The Position Of International Environmental Law On It.

Authors : Bekkar Rym Hadjerr .


If the environment is the natural environment in which humans live, and it includes the sum of the elements, factors, and conditions surrounding living organisms, the latter always remain exposed to human violations, perhaps the most prominent of which is the industrial field, such as pollution resulting from nuclear radiation dating back to the end of World War II, where it is... The introduction of pollutants that cause negative change in the natural environment and its elements, such as water and climate, and this leads, for example, to global warming, sea level rise, etc. Hence, it was necessary for the international community to take the initiative to devote international protection to the environment from the dangers and threats of nuclear radiation that surround it. Through measures taken, whether at the international or regional level, such as the important roles played by international organizations such as the International Atomic Energy Agency and the measures they take to preserve the environment from pollution resulting from the use of atomic energy, in addition to international agreements and treaties.


Environment – pollution - nuclear radiation – climate – water - international environmental protection/international organizations - international agreements and treaties.