مجلة السلام للعلوم الإنسانية و الاجتماعية
Volume 7, Numéro 2, Pages 51-88

The Neoconservatives And The United States Foreign Policy Towards The European Union After 9/11: An Assessment Of The Group’s Impact On Foreign Policy Making Through A Quantitative And Qualitative Analysis

Authors : Yasmina Djemil .


Abstract: This article investigates the influence of the neoconservatives on the United States foreign policy towards the European Union after the 9/11 terrorist attacks through a quantitative and qualitative analysis. This study demonstrates the use of a mixed –method approach via the combination of discourse analysis and corpus linguistics and is carried out through a computer-assisted textual analysis and comparison of official documents issued by the George W. Bush administration after 9/11 and a number of neoconservative publications that were produced before September 11. The main finding of this study is that the similarities that exist between the official publications of the American administration and the neoconservative ones are significant. In fact, an important number of topics, key words and collocations are commonly used by both sides. The study therefore concludes that the neoconservatives constitute a highly influential interest group that did contribute in the making of the United States foreign policy towards the European Union after 9/11 in order to serve their vested interests. Keywords: Neoconservatism, interest groups, post-9/11 US foreign policy, the Quantitative Analysis, qualitative Analysis, computerassisted textual analysis


Neoconservatism, interest groups - post-9/11 US foreign policy - the Quantitative Analysis - qualitative Analysis - computerassisted textual analysis