Algerian Journal of Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development
Volume 6, Numéro 1, Pages 70-75

Numerical Modeling Of Hydrogen Gas Bubble Dynamics In An Alkaline Water Electrolysis Process Using Comsol Software

Authors : Djoubeir Debbah . Hakim Fatmi . Youcef Bellal . Islam Bougada . Salah Eddine Letrache . Yaaqoub Dib . Ali Derradji . Youssouf Bouffelgha . Bilel Bakiri .


During this investigation, we utilized the COMSOL software to simulate the motion of a hydrogen bubble in water. The simulations were executed within COMSOL, employing a direct numerical solver and electrochemistry models. We carefully chose an appropriate method for capturing the interface to monitor the evolving surface of a growing bubble. Among the options—level set, phase field, and moving mesh interface capturing methods—the study concluded that the moving mesh framework is optimal for simulating bubble growth. Additionally, the study emphasizes that effectively harnessing hydrogen as a transitional energy indicator could pave the way for alternative solutions, particularly in light of diminishing petroleum reserves, assuming a proficient mastery of production technologies.


Alkaline water electrolysis COMSOL Multiphysics 5.6 Hydrogen bubble Simulation.

Numerical Modeling Of Hydrogen Gas Bubble Dynamics In An Alkaline Water Electrolysis Process Using Comsol Software

Djoubeir Debbah .  Hakim Fatmi .  Youcef Bellal .  Islam Bougada .  Salah Eddine Letrache .  Yaaqoub Dib .  Ali Derradji .  Youssouf Bouffelgha .  Bilel Bakiri . 
pages 159-164.

Software Clinic: A Different View Of Software Maintenance Process

Khan Md. Khaled .  Skramstad Torbjorn . 
pages 182-190.

Cloning, Expression, And Structural Modeling Of Two Alkaline Serine Protease Genes From Extremophilic Bacillaceae -related Species: Application In Valorization Of Invasive Crustaceans

Mechri Sondes .  Bouacem Khelifa .  Allala Fawzi .  Khaled Marwa .  Bouanane-darenfed Amel .  Hocine Hacene .  Bassem Jaouadi . 
pages 34-51.

Electrochemical Aided Model To Study Solid Polymer Electrolyte Water Electrolysis

Laoun B. .  Belhamel M. .  Naceur W. .  Serir L. . 
pages 267-276.