Volume 11, Numéro 1, Pages 966-977

Teachers Perception Of Students’ Slang Use. A Case Study

Authors : Belkhir Meryem . Amara Naimi .


Language is inextricably linked to the social situation of its use. This results in the existence of various linguistic codes. To begin with , slang is an informal variety utilised by students to communicate with their mates . The current study on “Teachers perception of Students’ Slang Use” examines slang awareness through taking the case of English language teachers. This study focuses on English language teachers at Khemis Miliana University since my curiosity as a teacher has led me to evaluate their consciousness of their students code. So , it attempts to provide a clear picture of teachers’ perception slang traits commonly employed in their students’ interactions. Throughout this study, both qualitative and quantitative methodologies were used. To investigate this issue, data were gathered through interviewing English language teachers to gain insight on slang features knowledge. The findings indicate that English language teachers are unconscious of their students’ slang employment.


perception ; teachers ; students ; slang