Volume 11, Numéro 4, Pages 33-47

Language Management Of The Algerian Society Regarding French And English In The Twenty First Century

Authors : Zeghar Ahmed .


This paper is a live ins and outs eye witness light shedding on the birth of a new government-authorised language policy imposed by the people (language management) in Algeria, 2019. It delves tacitly into the query which probes how come a given language policy raises in an overnight leaving behind a whole second language. What are the motives, the circumstances and the timing are offbeat questions that this paper tries to decipher, a sound sample explaining that an unexpected language management generated by the people in an unexpected timing can adapt the polity’s choice to a given language policy more efficient over another. Indeed, the French language, which is a second language, knows a substitution to the English language instead while coinciding the potential “hyrak” following February 22, 2019. Incarnation of fruitful features of the latter movement appeared unpredictably thanks to some new laws adopted in a daily one-by-one rhythm by all of the ministries of education, higher education, and trade. In fact, such language policy fields would sharpen a new path to a whole country language policy, trade quality, language prestige within the people, dialects, borrowings, etc. just the same way happened to the previous cases around the world.


French ; English ; government ; language policy ; people weight