مجلة أداء المؤسسات الجزائرية
Volume 13, Numéro 1, Pages 177-188

Financial Literacy And Entrepreneurship Development: A Case Of Student Entrepreneurship In Algeria

Authors : Seddiki Safia .


The present study seeks to explain the existing relationship between financial literacy of new business owners/managers and entrepreneurship development, with a further analysis of Algerian case. Entrepreneurship is perceived as a catalyst for economic growth. Through encouraging individuals to launch their businesses, they will be able to create their own jobs, as well as providing job opportunities for others. Educating new business owners or generally known as ‘financial literacy’ is an important process to alleviate their performance, and to ensure the survival of these new fragile entities especially in underdeveloped environments.


financial literacy ; entrepreneurship ; economic development ; MSMEs/startups ; Algeria