Le Manager
Volume 11, Numéro 1, Pages 204-227

Narrowing The Digital Gap As An Essential Factor For The Development Of E-government In The Arab Countries: An Classificatory Study Using The Hierarchical Cluster Analysis Technique During The Year 2022

Authors : Boutrik Souad .


This study aims to classify 18 Arab countries according to the indicators of the digital gap during the year 2022, and to achieve this goal, six main indicators of the digital gap in the Arab countries were relied upon, represented in each of the digital gap for technological progress, the digital gap for physical capacity, the digital gap for technological achievement, The digital gap for telecommunications infrastructure, the digital gap for digital government services, and the digital gap for human capital. The study concluded that the Arab countries can be classified in terms of the size of the digital gap in them into three categories, the category of Arab countries that have a small digital gap, the category of Arab countries that have a medium digital gap, in addition to the category of Arab countries that have a large digital gap. It also pointed out that narrowing the digital gap is an essential factor for the development of E-Government in the Arab countries by providing equal opportunities for all individuals and institutions to access and benefit from E-Government services. (Police Times new roman 10, interligne simple)


: E-Government ; Digital Gap ; Arab Countries ; Hierarchical Cluster Analysis Technique