Algerian Journal of Sciences
Volume 0, Numéro 0, Pages 56-61

Dosage Of Major Minerals And Trace Elements In The Scirpus Holoschoenus

Authors : Maane Samira .


In this study we carried out the dosage of certain mineral elements and oligo-elements such as: K, Na, Mg, Ca, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn as well as heavy metals such as: Cd and Pb contained in the stems and the flowering top of the Scirpus holoschoenus species collected in three regions of northern Algeria (Bejaia, Ait Smail and Tergua) by atomic absorption spectroscopy and the contents of several elements in dry matter were determined.


Mineral elements, Trace elements, Heavy metals, Plant toxicity, Scirpus holoschoenus.