مجلة نماء للإقتصاد والتجارة
Volume 8, Numéro 1, Pages 1-14

The Role Of Islamic Financial Technology In Achieving Financial Inclusion For Islamic Banks - A Reference To The Case Of Qatar Islamic Bank-.

Authors : Haouam Lamia .


This research paper aims to determine the extent to which Islamic banks adopt Islamic financial technology as a means of achieving financial inclusion. It also sheds light on the reality of using financial technology in Islamic banks by reviewing the experience of Qatar Islamic Bank. Given the nature of the subject and in order to achieve the objectives of the study and cover its various aspects, the descriptive method was adopted to describe the study's details and development, as well as the analytical method to analyze various data and statistics of the study. The study concluded with a number of results, including that financial technology effectively contributes to achieving sustainable development of the Islamic financial industry through innovative solutions and new financial products and tools it has created. It also helps reduce financing risks and achieve financial inclusion in the bank under study.


Islamic financial technology ; Islamic banks ; financial inclusion