Volume 6, Numéro 1, Pages 375-387

Questioning The Democratic Legitimacy Of The Brexit Referendum 2016

Authors : Esseghier Rouza . Mired Houari .


In light of the substantial shift toward popular decision-making mechanisms in Western European polities, a comprehensive analysis is imperative to evaluate the democratic legitimacy of these devices, with particular emphasis on referendums. These instruments entrust voters with the resolutions of significant constitutional matters that their political leaders have been unable to address. The present research centres upon the 2016 EU referendum in Britain as a case study, given its criticism for lacking a genuine democratic process and being subject to particular media agenda. The research methodology predominantly adopts a qualitative approach, with the analysis structured around the theoretical framework of deliberative democracy. Various deliberative elements, such as the distribution of information and media coverage throughout the entire process, form the basis of the analysis. While the ideal envisioned by this deliberative theory is the attainment of well-discussed and informed decisions reflective of the citizens’ common good, the findings of the analysis revealed a contrary outcome.


Brexit ; Common-good; deliberative Democracy ; Democratic Legitimacy ; Referendums