IMAGO Interculturalité et Didactique
Volume 23, Numéro 1, Pages 39-47

Historicizing French Colonial Memory By Algerian Women: Unveiling A Woman's Testimony In Colonial Algeria

Authors : Bessedik Fatima Zahra .


Algerian Men and women resisted French colonialism and led the war to their independence. Indeed, during a period of more than a century, women led militant missions inside and outside their homes. This paper attempts to historicize colonial experiences told by Algerian women who took part in the resistance during the French colonial period in Algeria. In fact, this paper will be reporting their stories as models on how Algerian women struggled and resisted during colonialism. This report, then, is interested in overlooked but profoundly significant testimonies by women not written in books of history. Drawing from their stories, it will be demonstrated multifaceted history of women who navigated the complex terrain of colonialism and militancy. By amplifying the voices of such women and situating their stories within the postcolonial cultural context in Algeria, this report contributes to an understanding of colonial Algeria.


colonial memory ; French colonialism ; Algeria ; Women