مجلة البحوث التربوية والتعليمية
Volume 13, Numéro 2, Pages 97-114

Logos, Ethos, And Pathos In Argumentative Essays Of Third Year English Students At The University Of Bouira: A Metadiscoursal Perspective

Authors : Kacimi Chaima . Messekher Hayat .


This exploratory study examined the use and perception of metadiscourse markers and Aristotle’s rhetorical appeals of logos, ethos, and pathos in argumentative essays written by 22 third-year English majors at Bouira University in Algeria. The research employed a mixed-method approach using structured interviews, and in-class written argumentative essays. For the in-class argumentative writing, results showed a higher usage of interactional markers to signal the reader’s involvement with attitude markers dominating, followed by transitions and hedges. Among rhetorical appeals, pathos was the most used one amongst students. For interviews, results revealed that the students had a basic understanding of what argumentative writing involves. They acknowledged the existence of a relationship between the writer and their audience but had split beliefs regarding the use or non-use of pathos for argumentation. Implications from this research for teaching argumentative writing are presented.


logos ; ethos ; pathos ; argumentation ; metadiscourse