مجلة الروائز
Volume 8, Numéro 1, Pages 539-550

Family Satisfaction With Psclab's Neuro-linguistic Care For Alzheimer's Patients: Developing A Questionnaire

Authors : Sahraoui Sara .


Our research focused on the impact of Alzheimer's disease on language information processing in bilingual individuals. Certain semantic aspects of their first language (L1) are found to be disordered according to the results. On the other hand, grammatical levels appeared to be relatively unaffected in oral speech in L1 but were disturbed in the second language. As a consequence, we developed a cognitive-language stimulation protocol for bilingual patients (PSCLAB) to address this disorder. The efficacy of this protocol in terms of rehabilitation was assessed in 30 patients by conducting discourse analysis before and after initiating it. The PSCLAB appears to have an effect on improving language behavior of patients with AD, as shown by the results. The objective of this survey study is to confirm the satisfaction of patients' relatives with the results of cognitive language training conducted by PSCLAB. A short instrument was created by us to gauge the satisfaction of family members. The results report that the patients' relatives are satisfied with the results of cognitive training by PSCLAB. Keywords: Satisfaction, Patients' R


Family Satisfaction, Alzheimer’s Disease, Neuro-Linguistic rehabilitation, Levels of Language Production Processing.