مجلة الروائز
Volume 8, Numéro 1, Pages 520-538

The Pragmatic Rehabilitation Approach For Broca Aphasic Case Based On The P.a.c.e. Method (promoting Aphasia Communication Effectiveness)

Authors : Belkhiri Wafa .


Abstract: Aphasia is the clinical consequence of a disruption in human language due to a circumscribed brain lesion. It represents a severe psychological and sociofamilial drama, which seriously impairs the patient's communication with others, leading to isolation, withdrawal, frustration, and depression. However, significant and encouraging advances have occurred in recent years in the theoretical and clinical understanding of symptoms, brain lesion imaging and recovery, assessment, and rehabilitation. While language is hindered when aphasia occurs, communication, although essential, also appears weakened. Even though individuals with aphasia retain superior communicative competence compared to their linguistic skills communicating requires significant effort for aphasic patients. Speech therapy aims to rehabilitate the patient's language, but above all, it aims to provide them with means of communication so they can continue to express themselves. Through our readings, we became particularly interested in the communicative aspect of speech therapy, especially its non-verbal aspect. Therefore, we focused on communicative rehabilitation interventions, particularly the P.A.C.E. approach (Promoting Aphasic’s Communicative Effectiveness). More and more speech therapists are interested in this approach, but they do not always have the necessary material to conduct rehabilitation sessions. The objective of this communication is to present and make known a rehabilitation method that will be usable for many patients and practical to use by presenting two case studies of aphasic patients who underwent a 10-session therapy using the P.A.C.E. method. Keywords: broca aphasic, pragmatic, PACE approach


pragmatic ; broca aphasia ; PACEmethod