مجلة العلوم والخبرة وتكنولوجية النشاط البدني والرياضي
Volume 4, Numéro 2, Pages 45-58

الاتصال التنظيمي و أثره على عملية إتخاذ القرار في النوادي الرياضية المحترفة لكرة القدم الاولى

الكاتب : ط د خراز أيمن . د . ركاش جمال .


Our theoretical study aimed to identify the role of organizational communication and its impact on the decision-making process in the first professional football sports clubs, where our study was limited to discussing the topic through previous and similar studies, and the study also found that organizational communication is an effective role in the decision-making process in the first professional sports clubs . Professional sports clubs rely on Written Communication to carry out the administrative communication process, the decision-making process of the first professional clubs is limited to the acceptance of their proposals by the management .

الكلمات المفتاحية

Organizational communication ; Decision making ; Professional sports clubs.