دراسات إنسانية واجتماعية
Volume 13, Numéro 2, Pages 427-440

Preventive Ways To Deal With Study Abandonment Phenomenon: What Data, And What Experiences?

Authors : Yacine Amina . Belkacemi Chaimaa Rekia .


This study aims to answer the problem of dealing with the phenomenon of study abandonment, as it reviews a set of preventive measures. And aims too, at revealing the countries experiences in this matter. Studies and statistics from international organizations, such as investigations carried out by UNESCO, Institute of Statistics, the European Economic and Social Cooperation Organization have been used in this research. The study concluded that the Early detection of students who are targeted to drop out of school is achieved through indicators: Learning difficulties, school and academic tardiness, low achievement, negative students’ attitudes toward school. Second, adopting training guidance programs on academic habits and skills, such as preventive programs from academic and school failure, and thus not to reach the school drop-out stage. Also, adopting support measures through "new opportunity" programs. And support deprived and disadvantaged families by Governments. In the end, the researcher presents recommendations in the light of these global experiences. .


Study Abandonment ; Country Experiences ; Preventive Measures ; School Drop-out ; School Expulsion