مجلة الرسالة للدراسات والبحوث الإنسانية
Volume 9, Numéro 2, Pages 259-268

Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Ambivalent Gender Bias In The Manifestation Of Sin And Regeneration: A Comparative Analysis Of Hester Prynne And Reverend Mr. Hooper

Authors : Kaddour Abdelhalim .


Nathaniel Hawthorne (1806-1864) is set to be considered one of the American novelists who mastered the item of symbolism in the depiction of the psychological dilemma of isolation as a result of sin within Puritan society. The novel of the Scarlet Letter (1850) reveals a female protagonist who suffered from alienation and struggled for regeneration confronting the symbol of sin; the letter A she was compelled to wear. On the other hand, the short story of the Minister’s Black Veil (1832) demonstrates the process of regeneration that the male protagonist the Reverend Hooper went through; facing the emblem of black veil he willingly put on face. Both characters stand for a serious situation of isolation within puritanical society, and represent Hawthorne’s obsession with sin. However, both reveal the possibility to regain salvation and regeneration from the state of judgmental sinfulness.


The Scarlet Letter ; The Minister's Black Veil ; Sin ; Symbol ; Puritan ; Isolation ; Regeneration