مجلة الرسالة للدراسات والبحوث الإنسانية
Volume 9, Numéro 2, Pages 168-180

Cultural Identity Representations Of Tebessian Women In Virtual Spaces Between Empowerment And Discrimination: A Survey Study On Facebook Group Users

Authors : Mizab Nafissa .


This study aims to explore the predominant cultural identity representations within Facebook groups dedicated to the women of Tebessa and examine how this virtual platform has facilitated their expression as virtual personas, enjoying a degree of liberation from traditional social constraints. Additionally, the research seeks to discern the privileges and implications associated with the utilization of Facebook groups and their consequential impact on the cultural identities of Tebessian women. Findings indicate that these virtual spaces significantly mold the cultural identity of Tebessian women, introducing substantial changes in their lifestyles, thought processes, and interactions. This transformation influences their self-representation and overall cultural identity.


Cultural Identity ; Cultural Identity of tebessian woman ; virtual space