مجلة معالم للدراسات الاعلامية و الاتصالية
Volume 6, Numéro 1, Pages 24-31

Epistemological Challenges Of Reviving The Framing In Communication And Information Sciences In The New Digital Environment

Authors : Bouzida Feyrouz .


Abstract: This paper aims to reveal the epistemological challenges of reviving the framing in communication and information sciences in the new digital environment. In recent years concern about the epistemological dimensions of this discipline in the digital era has widely emerged, and specifically the epistemological challenges that face teachers and students to connect curriculum reforms and renewing as a result of the increased scholarly interest in response to the technological developments and digitalization. Therefore, the different curricula should be revised and revived in order to update the information keeping up the curricula of other universities around the world.


communication ;information sciences; reviving, digital environment; epistemology; challenges.