مجلة الواحات للبحوث و الدراسات
Volume 17, Numéro 1, Pages 995-1014

The Realities Of Engineering Design Challenges In Urban Environments: Perspectives From Individuals With Mobility Disabilities And Strategies For Mitigation The Case Of Wilaya Of Naâma (algeria)

Auteurs : Grinat Benchohra .


This study aimed to explore the practical challenges of urban engineering design, particularly on the experiences of individuals with disabilities living in Naâma Province, Algeria. The study comprised a sample of 80 participants with disabilities, and it used a descriptive-analytical approach, employing a questionnaire as the primary data collection method.The study's findings highlighted the prevalence of challenges faced by individuals with disabilities in Naâma Province, particularly within the domains of mobility and anthropometric considerations, internal spatial arrangements, and external environmental design, often and always indicating the presence of design-related issues.

Mots clés

Mobility Disabilities, Engineering Design