دراسات معاصرة
Volume 8, Numéro 1, Pages 497-508

The Impact Of Incorporating Multimodal Learning Tools On Self-regulation Among Students In Literature Classes The Case Of Fourth-year Students Of English At Ens Laghouat

Authors : Zeghoudi Imane .


As educators strive to enhance their students' self-regulation and self-learning capabilities in literature classes, they often encounter challenges in finding engaging educational materials. Consequently, this research endeavors to assess the impact of integrating multimodal learning tools (MLTs) into teaching on students' self-regulation and their sense of autonomy. Employing a quantitative research design, the study involved 30 fourth-year English students at ENS Laghouat for the academic year 2023-2024. Quantitative data were gathered through a self-regulation test and an online Likert scale survey, and subsequently analyzed using SPSS, incorporating descriptive statistics and a paired-sample t-test. The findings indicate that the strategic incorporation of MLTs in literature instruction positively influences students' self-regulation skills, garnering favorable responses from the participants. The study concludes with recommendations urging educators and institutions to invest in the development and implementation of such valuable tools.


Multimodal Learning Tools ; Self-Regulation Skills ; students ; teaching literature