مجلة روافد للدراسات و الأبحاث العلمية في العلوم الاجتماعية والإنسانية
Volume 8, Numéro 1, Pages 621-637

Tracing The Effects Of In-service Online Teachers’ Training On In-service Online Teaching: Ain Temouchent University Teachers As A Case Study

Authors : Boumediene Amina .


In today’s globalized world, there is a thriving call for online education. Teachers need to capture this potential role of technology and see ways through which it can be incorporated in their classrooms. As far as Algeria is concerned, online education is directly linked to the pandemic as it was not much used before this period. Moreover, teachers were neither teaching nor assessing remotely or online before. It was a new experience for both teachers and learners. As for university teachers, the University of Constantine launched an online in-service training for newly recruited university teachers; this training is based upon online teaching. The current research work is triggered with the chief aim of examining the effects of this training on teachers’ online teaching during the pandemic phase. To reach this end, the researcher opted for a semi-structured interview with six teachers at Belhadj Bouchaib University. The results yielded reveal that the training was fruitful and helpful for teachers, yet, there was certain points which need to be addressed in the content of the training.


in-service teacher training ; Online Training ; Covid 19 ; Online teaching ; Novice teachers ; in-service training ; online training ; Covid19 ; online teaching ; novice teachers