مجلة الحكمة للدراسات الفلسفية
Volume 12, Numéro 2, Pages 1412-1423

The Role Of Media In Maintaining The Security Of Memory From Digital Threats A Study Of The Algerian Media Approach

Authors : حسين عبد الستار .


The functional theory in the media, which is based on the identity of the media role, stipulates that the vital and creative function of the national media lies in its ability to repel the dangers and threats of rumour and propaganda and everything that undermines the security integrity of the state, its survival and its identity. It still benefits from its effectiveness within what media theories call the functional and structural theory of the media. Especially the function of monitoring, education, and media education, including the employment of defence structures in light of the expanded security approach, and the upholding of its cultural, societal, and identity heritage, the most important of which is the security of collective and national memory as a reservoir of people’s history and its holiness, as the successful recipe for preserving sustainable memory security, and the future of generations from systematic threats to it. In the name of memory wars.


الذاكرة ; الجزائر ; الاعلام