مجلة العلوم القانونية والاجتماعية
Volume 9, Numéro 2, Pages 130-158

Legal Protection Of Forest Property In Law 23-21

Authors : Chaoua Mehdi .


Forest real estate is considered a national wealth and the property of the national group. This wealth must be protected and contributed to its sustainable development, as the Algerian legislator, through the new law, Law No. 23-22 relating to forests and national forest wealth, stressed that the sustainable management of forests and lands Of a forest nature, it is considered a basic priority in economic and social development policy and falls within the path of regional planning. On this basis, measures were approved to Multiple and varied protection For forest real estate, And that It is characterized by extremes at times,This is in recognition of the importance of this king Gabi,Which is often exposed to some violations, which are distorted into an image Setting fires andIndividuals usurp part of this Forest propertyAnd put his hand on itAnd build on it where The legislator approved some measures to protect the forest property, which: Ranging Of protection Administrative, civil to criminal, and it ranges from protection through prevention to protection through deterrence This is to avoid the dangers of damage and neglect, and the dangers resulting from use, meaning that it is protection from the public person who owns this money, and from the person for whom it is intended.,Finally, it is a protection against the infringements of individuals who use and benefit from thisForest properties.


Protection of public property; Forest fires ; Forest property ; Forest police.