مجلة هيرودوت للعلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية
Volume 8, Numéro 1, Pages 426-440

The Major Events That Made The Strength Of The United States Of America

Authors : Hidougui Rachid .


In 1773, the beginning of the American Revolutionary War. Independence will be proclaimed on July 4, 1776. The settlers are then mainly installed in the east, it is the beginning of the conquest of the west. The territories of the Indians are gradually annexed. In 1860, several southern states then seceded and formed the Confederate States, it was the start of the Civil War which would ravage the country until 1865. Until the 1920s, the United States would be the scene of tremendous industrial, financial and cultural development. They emerge even stronger from the First World War It was thanks to the outbreak of the Second World War that the country regained prosperity. Their participation in the war, then the victory over the Axis will make them a superpower.


United States of America, the Civil War,the strength events,1773