Revue des Economies financières bancaires et de management
Volume 13, Numéro 1, Pages 687-704

The Impact Of Supply Chain Management On The Performance Marketing Of Algerian Economic Institutions: A Case Study Of Biskria Cement Company

Authors : Boukabara Lilia . Guechari Yasmina .


This research paper sheds light on the impact of supply chain management on the performance marketing of Algerian economic institutions. Biskria Cement Company was selected for a field study, where questionnaires were distributed to a sample of employees within the marketing and supply departments. The study sample amounted to 40 individuals. The findings of study indicated that it is necessary to pay attention to managing relationships with suppliers and to have full knowledge of everything related to them, improving relationships with customers, also diversify means of transportation and ensure their effectiveness.


supply chain ; supply chain management ; performance marketing ; Biskria Cement Company