مجلة الرسالة للدراسات والبحوث الإنسانية
Volume 9, Numéro 1, Pages 11-17

"the Legal Dimension Of Modern Aspects Of Global Supply Chain Formation.": New Patterns Of Business Activity (analytical Legal Study)

Authors : Fatnassi Hajer . Alardhy Amna .


Abstract: The study examines extended supply chains between international companies and other companies spread in developing countries without there being a standard or legal link. This is because the major economic blocs in the world often resort to circumventing laws that do not suit their interests, so they circumvent the relevant texts. By establishing and organizing companies, and their control over nascent companies, especially those spread in developing countries, is economic control, so that the legal standard is absent, or the large companies conclude contracts and projects within a long contractual chain that results in a complex and extended supply chain, which is a characteristic of modern forms of the emergence of global supply chains, and what is worth noting is this. The connection is that what is meant by modernity here is not considering the element of time, but rather considering its departure from what is legally usual.


supply chain ; multinational companies ; standard ; economisc relations ; interests ; contracts