مجلة التميز
Volume 6, Numéro 1, Pages 41-54

تأثير أسلوبين تدريبين بطريقة الفتري مرتفع الشدة على تحمل السرعة الخاصة وبعض المتغيرات الكينماتكية والكيموحيوية وإنجاز عدائى 400م نأشئين

الكاتب : استاذ مساعد دكتور أ.م.د وليد أحمد عواد الكبيسي .


(Research summary) The effect of two high-intensity interval training methods on the endurance of special speed, some kinematic and biochemical variables, and the achievement of a 400m runner Research presented by A.M.Dr. Waleed Ahmed Awad Ministry of Education / Anbar education Keywords: - biochemical variables, kinematic variables, speed tolerance_High intensity interval training-Alternative or traditional training method. In this research study the effect of two training instructors in a manner that training of periodic high tensile both groups experience both if included exercise style alternative ran the shuttle and on slopes up and down, while focused exercise the traditional method on the exercise of the enemy and different, and a choice of those distances and for each of the groups in the light the time to test download speed, as well as the change of these distances(longer or shorter) From a distance test, the targets and the importance of it is to find methods of training helps to develop physical abilities for dinner, especially carrying the secret of the ability of great importance in the effectiveness of 400 Mare, and here lies the problem of the sea and the view finder of a weakness in the bearing capacity of speed, especially in the last third of the distance, and that may be due to the methods of training followed, so the program was developed two training programs for a period of(12) week, and allocating unit two training periods per week during the period of the numbers etc., and a sample of(12) Runner of the National Centre for the gifted by(6) runners per group, centered research objectives to identify the effect of exercise (the alternative method) jog shuttle up and down, exercises, traditional method in the development of the bearing speed, and the impact on the variables Center auctioned one, while the hypotheses of the study there are significant differences the meaning of the results of download speed, the special variables cinematic action and( under the sea) One among the tests tribal post to members of the sample of the research was to use the bag statisticalspss, and to the hypotheses of the study and its objectives, and may conclude researchers to exercise the alternative method and may have contributed to the development of speed endurance and variants Center oceni one, the Ministry of higher education and scientific research

الكلمات المفتاحية

المتغيرات ; الكيمي ; حي ; ية ; المتغيرات الكينماتكية ; تحمل السرعة ; التدريب الفتري مرتفع الشدة ; الاسل ; ب التدريبي البديل ; التقليدي