Algerian Review of Ottoman and Mediterranean Studies
Volume 2, Numéro 2, Pages 9-30

خريطة العالم الجديد للبحار بيري ريس خلال فترة الكشوفات الجغرافية

الكاتب : بستان إدريس .


The Ottoman sailor Piri Reis is considered one of the most outstanding Muslim scholars in sea arts and geography in the Modern era and more specifically in the Sixteenth century when the major geographical discoveries movement appeared, led by Portugal and Spain in the Atlantic Ocean. Piri Reis’ fame is not only due to his authorship of the most important Islamic source of the arts of sailing, entitled Kitâb-i Bahriye, but it was also related to his drawing of maps displaying the New World: the first one in 1513, and a second more precise one in 1528. Through the latter, he showed his vast knowledge regarding sailing sciences and geography and was a pioneer in the publication of information and news about the New World in the Ottoman and Islamic world. In addition, through his publications, he urged the Ottoman sultans to show interest in the maritime and geographical field, which became since the Sixteenth century, a symbol and a means of control and influence worldwide.

الكلمات المفتاحية

Piri Reis ; Ottoman Fleet ; New World ; Ottoman-Portuguese conflict ; Indian Ocean