المجلة الجزائرية للأبحاث والدراسات
Volume 7, Numéro 1, Pages 1-15

Killing The “angel In The House” In Virginia Woolf’s To The Lighthouse: Authorial Murder In The Light Of Michel Foucault’s Theory Of Power

Authors : Bouhadjar Houda .


Abstract: Our paper aims to analyse Virginia Woolf’s portrayal and killing of the “Angel in the House” in her novel To the Lighthouse in the area of power politics particularly in the light of Michel Foucault’s theory of power. It seeks to vindicate that the “angel in the House” becomes a collaborator with patriarchy rather than a victimised “other” that is relegated to the margin of civilisation. An analysis of power elements related to the character of Mrs. Ramsay exposes the fact that power circulates in the novel in a web which allows Mrs. Ramsay to acquire enough power to become the “immediate enemy” that defies the resistance represented by the character of the artist Lily. When the struggle becomes a female-female struggle, killing the “immediate enemy” becomes a necessary authorial act that brings a shift in power relations in the novel and allows Lily to overcome patriarchy.


“Angel in the House”, Madonna, Patriarchy, Michel Foucault, power elements.