Journal of Molecular and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Volume 2, Numéro 1, Pages 33-44

Microbial Contamination Of Medicinal Plants

Authors : Derbal Said .


The development of the herbal pharmaceutical industry over the past few years reflects the increased consumer interest in these products, but it also involves new regulatory challenges to appropriately monitor quality, safety and consistency effectiveness of herbal products. Microbial contamination is a danger for the consumer because of the infectious potential of microorganisms that can contaminate medicinal plants. This review attempts to describe certain generalities on the microbiological contamination of plant-based products, the admissible limits of this contamination recommended by the World Health Organization and the European Pharmacopoeia, the negative effects of microbial agents contaminating plant-based products and finally a description of certain methods of prevention against microbiological contamination.


Medicinal plants ; Herbal products ; Microbial contamination ; Negative effects ; Decontamination